Why Your CRM Can Run Your Business – and Vastly Improve Your Insights

Why Your CRM Can Run Your Business – and Vastly Improve Your Insights

30 Sep 2021
Laptop showing Hubspot homepage as part of an article about why your CRM can run your business.
HubSpot – we’re fans.

Data Everywhere? Data Nowhere

Business-wide visibility is no new idea, but it used to be caught up in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. A behemoth focused inwards, giant ERPs oversaw goals, stats, and implementation.
But specialist software has taken over.
Today’s business departments have their own internal management software. But this splintered data system creates a perfect storm for inefficiency, bad decisions, and poor ROI.

Multiple systems offer so much data that they end up offering none. Without hard data for management, training becomes ‘spray and pray’. Without hard data, your marketing is ‘shotgun, not sniper’.
You can end up flying blind – or flying with bad directions. Data gets moved around between dashboards and spreadsheets and you lack a single source of truth – and the confidence it brings.

Businesses often use the ‘big three’ software solutions. There’s a CRM for sales – maybe HubSpot, MS Dynamics, or Salesforce. There’s a MAP for marketing automation – maybe Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor. And there’s a PM for project management – maybe Asana, Monday, or Trello.

They’re each good at doing things – better than generalist ERPs could ever be. But they’re not all good at seeing things. And that’s where the modern CRM – and HubSpot in particular – is the perfect BMT. It’s built for data – so it’s built for the insights your business desperately needs – all in one place.

See Choosing the Right CRM For Your Business for more tips and suggestions for determining the best CRM for you.

The word 'data' displayed on a window.
It’s all about the data. Credit: Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash.

Insights From CRM Data the 3 Stages

CRMs like HubSpot use data in a three-stage process – collecting, interpreting, and then using. At each stage, HubSpot outperforms the competition – that’s why it’s the preferred (though not exclusive) tool for Hunt & Hawk’s client work.

1. We Collect Your Data

Data is everywhere – we collect it on websites, socials, emails and earned media. It provides SaaS triggers, insights, and usage patterns on everything from paid searches through to ad campaigns.

BMT-style CRM tools like HubSpot do this extremely well. HubSpot tracks all activity and connects your website and all forms. It keeps count of page views, site analytics, and page performance – then turns data into triggers.

Hunt & Hawk was an early up-taker of HubSpot. We’ve done every HubSpot qualification – we’re even on the partner board. But we’re most proud of our strategic knowledge from over a decade of sales and marketing consulting. We know where to collect, and how.

2. We Interpret Your Data

Interpreting data expertly doesn’t just provide answers – it teaches how to ask better questions.

Here’s where HubSpot conducts the symphony. It orchestrates the stats beyond their obvious purpose, to draw novel connections and equations that show the insights you never knew you needed.

This is where Hunt & Hawk hits home runs – we show you where to focus. With 2000 businesses on our score sheet, we know how to spot the wins – and the dangers. We set up the right datasets and dashboards to change how your staff see their work – by customising how they interact with their work.

3. We Use Your Data

Getting data with insights – and knowing how to interpret it – brings all your business knowledge to the fore. You make decisions on where to spend based on lead tracking that follows profitability through the entire client journey – so no more guesswork between acquisition and value.

That kind of visibility supercharges growth. It transforms how you analyse and choose channels for investment with training, content, and campaign spend.

You can also automate for sales optimisation and pinpoint lead nurturing. When set up correctly, HubSpot can use data from FAQ or ‘help’ page visits, or multiple pricing page visits, to alert your sales team to who needs help and what kind of help to offer.

At Hunt & Hawk, we know how these new insights play out. Fifteen-plus years and 2000 clients into it, we share these insights at the board and operational level, so the knowledge sticks – and gets you growing where and how you most need it.

Data being displayed on a computer screen.
Did we mention data? Credit: Markus Winkler on Unsplash.

BMT – the One Tool That Rules

The new chemistry of data, sales, and strategy can make the modern CRM – and HubSpot in particular – the most powerful BMT to get your hands on.
At Hunt & Hawk, we work at the bleeding edge of sales, marketing, and technology – where fortune favours the daring.

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