Technology Has Changed the Way We Celebrate Christmas

Technology Has Changed the Way We Celebrate Christmas

19 Dec 2023

There’s no denying technology has changed the way we all celebrate Christmas. If the first thing you’re likely to do this Christmas morning is check your phone, you’re in good company. A quick Google search reveals dozens of articles and editorials on: ‘How Technology Has Changed Christmas’ – some dating as far back as 2010. We’re not sure what sort of technology was changing the world back then – maybe everyone was 3D-printing their Christmas trees or something – but it’s pretty clear we do things fairly differently these days to even just 20 years ago. Perhaps the biggest change is simply the way we all communicate.

Man and a woman looking at a laptop in front of a blurred Christmas tree.
Emails have largely replaced Christmas cards. Credit: Bruce Mars on Unsplash.
Is All This Technology the End of Christmas Cards?

Rewind several years, and it was common for families to receive countless Christmas cards in the mail or in person. Countertops and stair railings were often covered in cards.

Today, everyone pretty much just texts or emails. And for close family, there’s the obligatory video call on Christmas Day.

The way we buy our Christmas presents has changed, too.

In the not-so-distant past, many of us would hit the shops for some last-minute gift options.

Now, the rise of e-commerce giants like Amazon and the fact you can get anything delivered within days – if not hours – means many of us never set foot in a shopping centre to do our Christmas shopping.

Even the way we consume Christmas content has changed.

Remember going to the movies to see Home Alone when it was first released in 1990?

Now, you’d just watch it on Netflix. Or Disney+. Or Apple TV.

In fact, whenever you log into one of the countless streaming services now available, you’re served up a whole curated catalogue of Christmas movies.

You can create your own holiday-themed playlists on Spotify as well. Who needs those dusty old Christmas CDs?

A box of earbuds placed on Christmas wrapping paper.
Even the way we listen to Christmas music has changed. Credit: James Yarema on Unsplash.
The Essence of Christmas Remains

But while it’s true that technology has had a huge impact on the way we celebrate Christmas – particularly over the last decade or so – there’s no reason to toss those environmentally-friendly LED Christmas lights in the bin just yet.


Because even though technology has changed the way we do things like shop and watch movies and send messages, Christmas – at its heart – is about relaxing and spending time with loved ones.
And with that, we’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Close up of a white Christmas bauble displaying the words 'Merry Christmas'.
Happy festive season. Credit: Robert Linder on Unsplash.

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