Work smarter, not harder.
This circa 1930s quote is attributed to an industrial engineer named Allen F. Morgenstein, who is credited as the creator of the work simplification process. With our lives seemingly getting busier by the day, it pays to pause, reflect, and consider this quote. Are you as productive at work as you could be? Or more to the point, are you as efficient as you could be?
If you think you could be doing better, here are three tips for how to work smarter, not harder.
1. Switch-Up the Centres of Your Brain
The key to productivity and a balanced approach to work is to mix it up. Consider the following:
When we work, we use our intellectual centre. We use our motor centre when we move our bodies and use our physical instincts.
When we move our bodies and use our physical instincts, we use our motor centre. We use our emotional centre when we respond with our feelings or emotions.
For instance, if you notice yourself fatiguing and your concentration wavering while you’re working at your desk, give your intellectual centre a break.
Stand up or go for a short walk to get your motor centre activated.
2. Feed Yourself
We mean this literally: eat! Instead of that mid-morning coffee, raising your blood sugar with a snack is better fuel for you to tackle the day’s tasks.
Now, not so literally, also feed yourself by doing what you love.
Try this experiment…
If you are in a situation where you are with new acquaintances, you might often ask them, “What do you do?”. Generally, this is a cue for people to tell you about their job. However, instead of asking this standard question, try the query, “What do you do for fun?”.
Chances are that the latter question will throw that person off. Often, we don’t know how to answer that question, or feel uneasy doing so.
But why should we feel that way?
Finding something that you love to do improves your quality of life and makes you more productive when you do work.
Additionally, Help Guide, an online database of mental health resources, declares that the benefits of play for adults are manifold.
Playing can relieve stress, stimulate creativity, improve brain function, give you more energy, and make it easier to connect with others.
Another study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that heavy social media users, who are used to switching between different channels of social media, found it more difficult to switch between tasks and were more easily distracted.
So, with social media, just like all good things, moderation is key.
Work Smarter, Not Harder With Us
We’re a little biased, but if you find yourself needing to work smarter, not harder, bring in the professionals.
And that’s where we can help.
At Hunt & Hawk, we’re experts when it comes to marketing, branding, and sales support for a wide range of businesses.
Contact us at or book a time to chat.
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