Need to Boost Sales? Here’s How We Got a 63% Close Rate

Need to Boost Sales? Here’s How We Got a 63% Close Rate

05 Sep 2024

A tightening economy means many businesses are looking for ways to boost sales. Our resident sales expert and Hunt & Hawk co-founder, Ryan Devlin, is happy to share exactly how he achieved a 63% close rate – from cold lead to closed sale.

2024 Just Felt Odd

Like many businesses, Hunt & Hawk started the 23/24 financial year with a BANG!!!

We had plenty of projects to keep the team busy, a healthy Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) supporting a rapidly-growing company, and enough leads to be selective with who we worked with.

We felt invincible. We rode that wave of success all the way to the Christmas break, when all of a sudden… the tide changed.

Don’t get me wrong, we were still really busy.

However, the first quarter of 2024 just felt odd.

Prospects needed more convincing – sometimes comparing us with up to five other competitors.

Opportunities were taking longer to close. Many required multiple briefing meetings as too much time had passed, while deal size and inclusions were heavily scrutinised with the hope of staying under expected budgets.

This was rare for us.

Normally, we’d meet with a prospect, understand their objectives, present our proposal, and follow up to close them within a four-week window.

Fortunately, we weren’t alone. It seemed that the majority of businesses we spoke with were in the same boat

What Did We Do to Turn Things Around?

It would have been easy to panic in this situation. 

Plenty of businesses take their eye off the ball when they stop focusing on the bigger picture and start worrying obsessively about running out of runway.

That’s where the benefit of our years’ of business experience started to count.

By re-focusing on a few key areas, we managed to maintain a 63% close rate (from cold leads to closed sale) at a time when plenty of others were floundering.

So how did we do it? Read on to find out the strategic steps we took to boost sales.

1. Targeted Lead Generation

Our success starts with the quality of leads we pursue. Instead of casting a wide net, we focus on highly-targeted lead generation. 

By utilising data analytics, market research, and sales enablement tools, we identify prospects that fit our ideal customer profile.

This ensures that our efforts are directed towards leads with the highest potential for conversion.

2. Personalised Outreach

Once we’ve identified our target leads, personalisation becomes key. 

Cold emails are tailored to address the specific needs and pain points of each prospect group. 

We invest time in understanding their business, industry trends, and challenges they may be facing. 

This personalised approach not only grabs attention but also builds trust from the outset.

Getting personal with your comms helps establish trust and builds rapport.

3. Value-Driven Messaging

We emphasise value over features in our communication with clients. 

We articulate how our solutions can solve their problems, improve their operations, and drive their success. 

This shift in mindset from ‘selling a product’ to ‘offering a solution’ resonates far more with prospects – increasing their willingness to engage with us and allowing them to see how partnering with Hunt & Hawk can help improve their business

4. Multi-Channel Engagement

Relying on a single communication channel is a missed opportunity. 

We engage prospects through multiple touchpoints – including email, phone calls, social media, SMS, and occasionally via direct mail. 

This omni-channel approach not only enhances our reach, it also increases our visibility and keeps us top-of-mind for both new and existing prospects.

5. Leveraging Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool in terms of how to boost sales. 

We share case studies, testimonials, and success stories from clients in similar industries or with similar challenges. 

Demonstrating our track record instils confidence in our prospects, making them more likely to consider our offerings.

Click here for a snapshot of our work.

6. Consistent Follow-Up

When it comes to sales, we all know persistence is key. 

We have a structured follow-up process that ensures no lead falls through the cracks. 

Automated reminders, follow-up emails, and scheduled calls help us stay on top of our leads and demonstrate our commitment to solving our clients’ problems.

7. Data-Driven Adjustments

We continuously analyse our sales data to identify patterns and areas for improvement. 

Metrics such as response rates, conversion rates, and feedback from prospects help us refine our strategies. 

This data-driven approach allows us to adapt quickly and improve our processes over time.

8. Building Relationships

When it comes to how to boost sales, it’s not just about transactions… it’s about building relationships. 

We prioritise long-term relationships over quick wins, and encourage regular check-ins and ongoing feedback to ensure our clients know their input is valued and their specific needs are being met. 

By focusing on our clients’ success and satisfaction, we not only close deals… but also foster loyalty and drive referrals.

9. Technology Integration

We leverage technology to streamline our processes as another strategic way to boost sales. 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, automation tools, and data analytics platforms help us manage leads efficiently, track our interactions, and measure our performance.

This allows us to scale our efforts without compromising on quality and ensure that sales and marketing are aligned.

Hunt & Hawk uses integrated technologies to streamline the sales process.

Key Takeaways?

It’s All About Being Strategic to Boost Sales

Achieving and maintaining a 63% close rate from cold to sale is the result of our strategic and comprehensive approach.

Through targeted lead generation, personalised outreach, and value-driven messaging, we connect with prospects in meaningful ways.

Leveraging social proof, maintaining consistent follow-up, investing in our sales team’s development, and integrating advanced technology, we’ve crafted an effective sales process that drives results. 

Our focus on continuous improvement and relationship-building ensures that we not only close deals but also foster long-term customer loyalty and satisfaction.

That’s something we can do for you.

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