3 Tips for Securing the Best Graphic Designer

3 Tips for Securing the Best Graphic Designer

18 Nov 2022
Close up of a laptop displaying design elements.
Let’s help to land you the best graphic designer for your business. Credit: Nordwood Themes on Unsplash.

How to Secure the Best Graphic Designer in 3 Easy Steps

Securing the best graphic designer starts with considering these three critical elements:

1. A Portfolio of Their Design Work

If a designer does not have a portfolio for you to take a peek at, alarm bells should be ringing. It’s a given for not only the best graphic designers, but any designer worth their salt.

Why? A portfolio demonstrates skills applied in real life. It highlights tangible experience and helps you decide if the designer possesses the potential required to propel your business forward.

When evaluating a portfolio, be on the lookout for:

  • Form and function: What does the design communicate? Does it share key information clearly? Is it easy to navigate and is it memorable?
  • Logical layouts: There’s a lot of choice from font style to colour and imagery. It needs to work well together and complement the messaging. Does the layout make sense?
  • Visual clarity: Designers use hierarchy to draw your attention to what matters most. If you’re conflicted or unsure where to look, hierarchy needs improvement.
  • Consistent cohesion: If there are other branded assets belonging to the same family, look for consistency. This is critical for audiences to recognise all touchpoints.
  • Heartfelt inspiration: Design is supposed to be fun and evoke emotion! Emotional responses are the longest-lasting ones.
Aerial of a person holding a highlighter in front of various hand-drawn notes and designs.
Quality designers use hierarchy to draw your attention to what matters most. Credit: Firmbee.com on Unsplash.

2. Strategic Thinking Paired With Beautiful Execution 

You’re paying for expertise, not an order-taker. The best graphic designer is a thinker.

If you catch yourself saying, “I just want someone to make something pretty”, it’s the wrong approach.

This is fluff design stemming from what’s cool now. But trends come and go, meaning they lack the uniqueness and longevity required to be distinguishable.

If your designer creates things that look cool with nothing else to back it up, ask for a refund. A great designer is a problem-solver first.

Form always follows function. At Hunt & Hawk, we encourage designers to design with purpose.

Creating a new visual language is about making intentional decisions grounded in a client’s brand story.

This is where we find the truth of who they are, why they exist, and who they want to reach.

Each visual element and design has to have a purpose.

Solid design-thinking produces compelling results with clarity that’s hard to ignore. As we say at Hunt & Hawk, “when you confuse you lose”.

A close up of someone using a laptop displaying a website homepage.
It’s not just about making something look pretty. Credit: Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash.

3. You Gel With Your Designer

Just like in the dating world, compatibility is important.

While you don’t need to be best friends, trust is essential.

You need free-flowing, raw conversation that unpacks the nuances of your brand. You need to be willing to get uncomfortable and be challenged to uncover truths.

Getting the best from your designer or design team relies on the sharing of knowledge to show them why your brand is special.

Once they share your vision and see the light, empower them to show you the potential hiding inside your brand.

People interacting in a meeting room.
Gelling with your designer or design team is crucial. Credit: Mapbox on Unsplash.

Design is Bigger Than You Think 

The world of design is massive – and it’s constantly evolving.

The types of design outputs, and therefore designers, are bigger than ever.

From graphic designers who create a brand identity to web designers with a user experience (UX) eye, matching skills to projects is critical.

Oh, and there are also experts in typography, colour psychology, product design, illustrations, animations, and so much more.

It’s an exciting time to be a designer and a confusing time to broadly search for your next hire.

But the power of great design is significant.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words – and digitally, this translates to thousands of clicks and impressions.

Great design is the hook that gets your attention and cues you to read. It can nudge you in the right direction – think buttons and signs – and entice you to interact with a message, brand, or company.

Each time you use the power of design to influence someone’s behaviour in the direction you desire, this is the real power of design done right.

As the famous American architect and designer Richard Buckminster Fuller once said, “When I am working on a problem, I never think about beauty. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong.”

A close up of someone holding a smartphone that's displaying a logo.
Great design instantly grabs your attention. Credit: Kenny Eliason on Unsplash.

A Design Team on a Mission

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, turn to the experts at Hunt & Hawk.

We don’t just have the best graphic designer, but a whole team of them.

Whether it’s a brand refresh, launching a new product or company, or simply expanding the brand assets or channels you have up your sleeve, we can help to elevate your business and drive growth.

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