How to Define Your Company Values

How to Define Your Company Values
Your company values are super important. Why? Because they signify everything that your business is about. They determine what sort of people you’re looking for, how you operate, and where you’re heading. They tell people what they can expect from you – because company values, above all, define your actions. They’re not just words.
You will find that your company values come about naturally when you solve problems or make decisions. Or, they also come about naturally in how you position yourself in tricky situations.

Company Values – Where to Start?
A good place to start is by getting your team together in a relaxed setting, preferably out of the office, and open up discussion for any and all ideas.
Some guiding questions to get ideas flowing include:
- What is important to us – individually and as a group?
- What makes you most proud of being part of this organisation?
- What do you think makes us different?
- What was it that attracted you to work here in the first place?
- What continues to keep you here/keep us all together?

Company Values Also Determine…
Your company values also speak volumes about the following factors:
- The way your company treats its clients and co-workers.
- Your role in your community.
- Best practice in difficult/emergency situations.
- If your values are likely to change in the next three, five, or 10 years.
- How negotiable you are on your values, or certain values.

Company Values – Pointers
When coming up with your company’s values, a few things to be mindful of are:
- Keep them clear and concise.
- Align them with your brand.
- Choose about five company values, as a rule of thumb.
A great example of a company value comes from Virgin founder, Richard Branson:
“If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients”.

Extra support
At Hunt & Hawk, we’re experts in sales, marketing, and branding and have been helping organisations grow for years. Need help for your business?
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