When Marketing Agencies Get it Right

When Marketing Agencies Get it Right

26 May 2021

Too many industry insiders don’t dare say it: Most marketing agencies suck*.

It’s not rocket science, but too many marketing agencies burn your fuel, then never break the atmosphere.

You’ve probably learnt the hard way. After bootstrapping, then funding, then building a culture that’s ready to scale, you’ve been let down.

Big promises, bigger briefings, avalanches of slick documents full of (ahem)… the latest marketing jargon. But it’s fluffy, it’s generic, it’s exclusively visual – and it’s aimed at you, not your audience.

You read a lot about the brand voice you need, but it’s not actually brought to life for you. You can win rooms talking about your product. But every room you walk into, your brand copy has walked in before you.

And too many marketing agencies sell you the emperor’s clothes.

You’re exposed to your board, frustrated, wishing you could claw back that spend and then spinning wheels with inhouse marketers struggling to keep up.

Then, eventually, you find us.

It seems we’re always rehabbing clients – rebuilding your trust in the promise of marketing agencies. We do it by nailing the creative. Then pumping the automation. Then publishing content that sells.

It’s a daring new chemistry of sales, marketing, and tech.

Here’s how it works…

A neon sign with the words, 'This is the sign you've been looking for'.
Most marketing agencies suck. But we’re different. Credit: Austin Chan on Unsplash.

With You, Then for You

Beware the suck-up briefing. Too many marketers run out the clock getting into your fuzzy beliefs, your vague goals, your business-as-usual strategies – but it’s a smokescreen for poor creative execution.

We dare to be different. We know we’ll stick the landing creatively, so during briefing we question your assumptions. We work with you confidently, so we get insights you couldn’t find on your own.

Then we shift gear and work for you. We go away, and we get creative.

We come back with executed concepts. The kind creative people notice on billboards. The kind that used to be locked behind big media buys.

It’s the same with websites. You’re in the room with us while we craft the journey and architecture, then we finish off wireframes on our own and come back for input on content.

We present all our work with videos that break it down professionally. You can present and share this with your board or executives. You’re included, and you decide – but we speak from expertise.

It’s what you’re paying us for.

We may be a little ‘hell yeah’, but we’re never ‘yes’ people.

Website wireframe displayed on a laptop.
Thorough collaboration, always. Credit: Amper on Unsplash.

Stick the Landing

Nike has ‘Just do it’. Apple has ‘Think different’. We deliver the straplines and executions for web, outdoor, social, and email that make you recognisable in the market – for years.

Other digital marketing agencies don’t do it, because they can’t. They’ll have 10 designers and no senior copywriter. If it looks pretty, they’ll ship it – the words are an afterthought.

We do the opposite. One of our senior copywriters runs our briefs and then sticks the creative landing.

You get the brand foundations of headlines, language, and campaigns that make every marketing dollar not just well-spent, but transformative.

Apple store lit up on a rainy night.
Let’s create your world-class strapline. Credit: Congy Yuan on Unsplash.

Measure What Matters

Building quality foundations is how we tackle analytics frameworks and tech stacks.

We see HubSpot as the Rolls-Royce of marketing analytics and even have one of our co-founders on its board.

A sales and technology audit usually reveals clients with splintered tech and poor integrations. And if clients are using HubSpot, they’re often overpaying and virtually always under-using it. There’s no point having a Rolls-Royce without the keys.

We integrate everything to measure actions on your new website. We measure traffic sources and touch points. HubSpot makes the sales journey 100% trackable.

Your sales analytics go from post-facto reporting to pre-emptive performance management. You use deal velocity, churn, source, and close rates to identify who’s performing – and where they need to step up.

Your email list goes from ‘spray and pray’ to a masterpiece of granular segmentation. It’s plugged into all your social, with visibility across every client journey, and every leak in the funnel plugged.

Sounds like time to scale.

HubSpot homepage displayed on a computer monitor.
HubSpot: The Rolls-Royce of marketing analytics.

Integrate All Your Marketing

And that’s where it all comes together. When we integrate your marketing, we don’t just pull together brand and sales and channels. We integrate your marketing with your entire business.

We take you from product-centric to customer-centric.

Your brand strategy pushes back into your business design. Your website pushes back into your pricing model. Your internal thought leadership pushes out into content marketing, and it all redefines you in the market.

If it sounds like a C-suite level contribution, that’s because it is. You get the vision, visibility, and material to rise above the day-to-day and knock your own brand into next week – where your new customers are waiting to continue the conversation.

You can still have a team. Your marketing coordinators need something to coordinate! We’ll even mentor them, and they’ll love it. 

Man and woman in front of a whiteboard displaying wording and designs related to a marketing strategy.
Expect integrated marketing. Credit: Kaleidico on Unsplash.

Best Players on the Field

We reckon there’s a golden ratio of executives to administrators. Most marketing agencies are bottom heavy, with heaps of junior admin staff churning the waters.

So the creatives and strategists who founded or built the agency are drowning in management – the best players are off the field, and there aren’t enough of them.

But we dare to show up.

Our founders and creatives are on the tools – it’s where quality comes from. Systems are great – and we love automation – but if the ‘A’ team is in the stands, your marketing gets stuck on the bench.

So with us, you get the dream team. We’re senior enough to share your insight, craft your creative, and monitor your results. We self-manage and collaborate when you need it.

You get the oxygen to lead, to be bold, to be visionary, and to be epic.

And we do the rest.

Person using a laptop that's displaying a graph.
The perfect blend, which most marketing agencies can’t provide. Credit: ThisIsEngineering RAEng on Unsplash.

Marketing Agencies – Our Difference

If you’re ready to rehab your sense of what’s possible, book a time with one of our founders.

We dare you.

*No marketing or branding agencies were harmed in the making of this content.

For more marketing, branding, and sales tips and insights and plenty else, check out more of our blog.

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