How to Measure Branding Success: The Clear Power of Visibility

How to Measure Branding Success: The Clear Power of Visibility

02 Nov 2023

Airbnb. Amazon. Apple.

Gatorade. Google. Gucci.

Mastercard. McDonald’s. Mercedes.

What do all these names have in common?

They all have incredibly high brand awareness. And there’s plenty more examples where they came from, all the way from A-Z.

Brand awareness is central to branding success, and it should not be understated. Strong brand recognition equals significant market presence – and that’s a recipe for success.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of branding and its importance – with a distinct focus on brand awareness – as well as discuss key metrics and strategies for effectively measuring success.

Close up of the logo on a Mercedes Benz car.
Mercedes knows how to drive brand awareness. Credit: Jesper Brouwers on Unsplash.

What is Brand Awareness?

Before we dive into the topic of how to measure branding success, let’s take a step back and answer a key question.

What is brand awareness? Well, brand awareness refers to the degree to which a company is recognised and remembered by consumers within its target audience.

Essentially, it is the extent to which a brand’s name, logo, or products come to mind when a consumer thinks about a particular category or industry.

It’s the first step in the customer’s journey with a brand and sets the tone for further interactions.

Proprietary Eponyms

You know brand awareness is solid when a business’ name becomes part of the vernacular.

Chuck us the Frisbee. Does anyone have a Band-Aid? Why don’t you Google it? Put it in the Esky. You get the point.

Generic trademarks – or the much fancier ‘proprietary eponyms’ – is the term for this.

And reaching such a level of recognition is the dream… at least when the term is used in a positive way!

Large, brown dog leaping in an attempt to catch a Frisbee.
Frisbee’s brand awareness is leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. Credit: Anthony Duran on Unsplash.

Are Brand Awareness and Brand Positioning the Same Thing?

No, there are clear differences, which we’ll briefly outline.

Essentially, brand awareness relates to the recognition or recall of a brand by consumers. It’s aligned with brand reputation.

Meanwhile, brand positioning relates to the differentiation of a brand from its competitors. It’s aligned with brand category.

Why is Brand Awareness Important?

Brand awareness is crucial for several reasons. They include:

Trust and credibility: High brand awareness builds trust and credibility – and consumers are more likely to trust and purchase from brands they are familiar with.

Competitive advantage: Brands with strong awareness are better positioned to compete in the market. They can justify charging higher prices and are more likely to attract a larger customer base.

Customer loyalty: Increased awareness stimulates customer loyalty, as consumers tend to stick with brands they know and trust.

Word-of-mouth: Consumers who are aware of a brand are more likely to recommend it to others, leading to organic growth through word-of-mouth.

Expansion opportunities: Brands with high awareness usually find it easier to expand into new markets more easily, as they already have a recognisable presence.

To reap these benefits, companies must measure brand awareness accurately.

Visa credit card resting on a laptop.
Existing customers are gold, as consumers are more likely to purchase from brands they are familiar with. Credit: on Unsplash.

How to Measure Brand Awareness – Methods and Metrics 

There are plenty of ways to measure brand awareness – and therefore measure branding success – and glean critical business insights accordingly. Here are some of the various methods and the key metrics to consider:

1. Surveys and Questionnaires

These are valuable tools for gathering qualitative data about brand awareness. They can be used to gauge brand recognition, recall, and perception among consumers.

As part of this brand awareness research, consider asking questions such as:

  • Brand recognition: “Have you heard of (Brand X)?”
  • Brand recall: “Can you name a brand that specialises in (product/service category)?”
  • Brand perception: “What words or phrases come to mind when you think of (Brand X)?”

2. Web Analytics

Web analytics tools like Google Analytics provide quantitative data on brand awareness by tracking website traffic.

Metrics such as direct traffic, organic search, and referral traffic can indicate the effectiveness or otherwise of brand marketing efforts.

Direct traffic: The number of visitors who land on your website by typing your brand’s URL directly into their browser. High direct traffic often indicates strong brand awareness.

Organic search: The volume of visitors who find your website through search engines – so, effectively, Google. A higher ranking for brand-related keywords suggests increased brand recognition.

Referral traffic: The number of visitors who arrive at your site from external sources, such as social media or other websites. Referral traffic can be a strong indicator of brand visibility.

Google Trends is another useful tool for measuring brand awareness. It scans the web to determine whether your business name is being used and whether it has increased or decreased in recent years. You can even compare the numbers with competitors’ data.

Person looking at a Google Analytics page on a laptop.
Looking to measure brand awareness? Tools like Google Analytics are key. Credit: Myriam Jessier on Unsplash.

3. Social Media Metrics

Social media plays a significant role in building and measuring brand awareness – more on this below. Metrics to consider include:

Followers and fans: The number of people following your brand on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and X.

Engagement: Measuring likes, comments, and shares can reveal how well your content resonates with your audience.

Reach and impressions: These metrics indicate the number of people exposed to your content. Higher reach and impressions suggest broader brand visibility.

Social media sentiment: Analysing sentiment around your brand mentions can provide valuable insights into how people perceive your brand.

4. Brand Mention Tracking

Monitoring online mentions of your brand across various platforms, including social media, news articles, blogs, and forums can help gauge brand awareness and sentiment.

Volume of mentions: This is the number of times your brand is mentioned online. A surge in mentions can indicate increased recognition, but it’s essential to analyse sentiment alongside this metric.

Share of voice: Comparing your brand’s mentions to those of competitors in your industry can provide insights into your brand’s visibility relative to others.

Sentiment analysis: Analysing the sentiment of brand mentions – positive, negative, or neutral – can help to understand public perception.

5. Brand Equity Surveys

Brand equity surveys delve deeper into consumer perceptions and associations with your brand. These surveys can explore aspects like brand loyalty, trust, and emotional connection.

Brand loyalty: Assess the percentage of customers who consider your brand their preferred choice.

Trust and reliability: Measure how much trust consumers place in your brand.

Emotional connection: Explore whether consumers have an emotional attachment to your brand.

Illuminated smartphone displaying an Instagram page against a darkened backdrop.
Noting spikes in social media followers is among many metrics to track. Credit: Phil Desforges on Unsplash.

Leveraging Social Media Channels for Brand Awareness

In today’s digital-dominant landscape, social media channels have become indispensable tools for helping to build and measure brand awareness.

Here are some strategies and best practices for leveraging social media effectively:

1. Consistent Branding

Maintain a consistent brand image across all social media platforms. Use the same logo, colour schemes, and messaging to create a unified brand identity that is easily recognisable.

Example: Fast-food chain, McDonald’s, maintains consistent branding across its social media channels, with the iconic golden arches and familiar red and yellow colour scheme. This consistency reinforces its brand identity.

2. Engaging Content

Create and share content that resonates with your target audience. Use a mix of text, images, videos, and interactive content to keep your audience engaged and interested.

Example: GoPro, a brand specialising in action cameras, shares thrilling user-generated content (UGC) on social media platforms. Its content showcases the exciting experiences users can capture with its products, captivating the target audience effectively.

3. Influencer Partnerships

Collaborate with influencers in your industry to expand your brand’s reach. Influencers can introduce your brand to a wider audience and provide authentic endorsements.

Example: Watch company, Daniel Wellington, strategically partners with influencers on Instagram to showcase its stylish watches. This approach has significantly contributed to its brand’s visibility among younger audiences.

4. Paid Advertising

Invest in paid advertising on social media platforms to reach a larger and more targeted audience. Use tools like Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads to create highly tailored campaigns.

Example: Online marketplace, Airbnb, uses paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram to promote unique listings and experiences. Its targeted ads reach users interested in travel, increasing brand visibility within its desired audience.

5. Community Engagement

Engage with your social media community by responding to comments, messages, and mentions. Building a strong online community can foster loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion.

Example: Online shoe and clothing retailer, Zappos, is known for its exceptional customer service on social media. Its prompt and friendly responses to customer enquiries and comments contribute to a positive brand image and customer loyalty.

Close up of a basket of McDonald's fries.
Instantly recognisable. Credit: Brett Jordan on Unsplash.

Brands with Exceptional Brand Awareness

To illustrate the significance of brand awareness measurement, let’s explore a few case studies of companies that have successfully built and maintained high brand recognition.


The electric car manufacturer, led by Elon Musk, has built exceptional brand awareness in the automotive industry.

It has differentiated itself by producing high-performance EVs with cutting-edge technology. Tesla’s electric cars, like the Model S and Model 3, have garnered a dedicated following.

The anticipation and buzz surrounding new Tesla product launches have further boosted its brand recognition.


We’ve already mentioned this popular platform, which connects travellers with unique accommodation and experiences.

Airbnb has become a household name in the travel and hospitality industry.

The innovative company has built its brand through a combination of creative marketing campaigns, user-generated content, and word-of-mouth referrals.

Airbnb’s ‘Belong Anywhere’ campaign and its visually appealing website have helped establish the brand as a trusted and aspirational choice for travellers looking for unique lodging options worldwide.

Additionally, the company has embraced social responsibility initiatives and community building to enhance its brand image.

These three brands have successfully leveraged innovative marketing strategies, unique product offerings, and a strong online presence to achieve exceptional brand awareness in their respective industries.

Red Bull

The global energy drink brand has achieved remarkable brand awareness through its unique marketing strategies.

Red Bull is known for its extreme sports sponsorships, particularly in events like Red Bull Stratos, where Felix Baumgartner jumped from the stratosphere.

Its marketing goes beyond traditional advertising and focuses on creating and sponsoring thrilling content that aligns with its ‘Red Bull gives you wings’ slogan.

This approach has made Red Bull synonymous with energy drinks and extreme sports.

A Red Bull can on a ledge next to a skateboard.
Red Bull has managed to build brand awareness to remarkable levels. Credit: Jan Kopriva on Unsplash.

How to Measure Branding Success – Summary

Branding is a fundamental building block for business success, and measuring it accurately is vital.

By utilising a combination of brand awareness surveys, web analytics, social media metrics, brand mention tracking, and brand equity surveys, businesses can gain valuable insights into their company’s visibility and reputation.

Leveraging social media channels effectively can significantly enhance brand recognition. This can be achieved by creating engaging content, collaborating with influencers, investing in paid advertising, and engaging with the online community – all while maintaining consistent branding.

The case studies of the examples listed above demonstrate the immense power of brand identity in building marketplace presence that can lead to long-term success.

As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to changing consumer preferences, measuring and nurturing brand recognition should remain a cornerstone of their marketing strategies.

In saying all that, brand awareness is regarded as one of the most difficult marketing key performance indicators (KPIs) to track.

Why? Because it generally doesn’t lend itself to straightforward ROI calculations, and it’s often difficult to account for its absolute effectiveness.

But don’t let that be a deterrent.

Ultimately, solid brand recognition paves the way for trust, loyalty, and growth, which are all important in a furiously competitive consumer landscape.

Amazon logo against a yellow background.
Join the Amazons of this world and score your business an A for branding success. Credit: Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash.

Need Branding Assistance?

Are your branding efforts failing to get cut through? Let us help with your branding strategy or marketing strategy and so much more.

At Hunt & Hawk, we’re branding and marketing experts with loads of experience at driving growth and delivering success for businesses of all types.

Discover what we can do for your brand. Contact us at or book a meeting to chat.

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What Are the Three Best Measures of True Branding Success?

When it comes to this question, there are three major metrics that are often referenced. They are engagement, interaction, and participation. Ideally, your branding efforts should focus on engaging and interacting with your target audience, as clearly this is the group that is most likely to convert.

How Do You Measure Brand Performance?

There are many different approaches for measuring brand performance. You can garner brand metrics through various methods, such as social media listening, qualitative interviews, focus groups, website analytics, and analysis of online reviews.

How Do You Measure Brand Growth?

Some of the key ways to measure brand awareness growth – as we have outlined in this detailed article – include creating brand awareness surveys and questionnaires, assessing web analytics, noting social media metrics, conducting brand mention tracking, and creating brand equity surveys. This all helps to determine how effective your branding efforts are.

How to Measure the Success of Brand Awareness on Social Media

In a nutshell, the best ways to measure your brand’s success on social media involve tracking metrics that include mentions, follower growth rate, reach, impressions, audience size, share of voice, and engagement – such as likes, comments, and shares.

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