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With more than 875 million users and roughly 60 million company profiles, LinkedIn is the world's largest online network for professionals. At its heart, the platform allows individuals to discover employment opportunities and grow their professional networks. But it's not just a tool for personal gain. LinkedIn is a powerful resource for businesses to build their brand and uncover potential customers. Of the platform's 875 million-plus users, research suggests

Email marketing has come a long way since the early, predominantly text-based days of the internet. Despite being one of the oldest online marketing strategies, email marketing is still as popular as ever, with more than 330 billion emails sent daily in 2022.  It also remains one of the most effective marketing strategies. While the rise of social media has created new opportunities for reaching customers in

Are you keen to make a serious statement with your marketing in 2023? This ever-changing and unpredictable field demands constant attention, coupled with the need to be adaptable. Where should you put your energies this year? Well, with our finger firmly on the pulse, we've identified five powerful marketing trends to watch in 2023.   1. Short Video Content Rules If a picture conveys a thousand words, imagine the power of a

Branding is dead. Long live CX. Lots of people are saying it.  We agree with the CX bit – but even in the new world of Customer Experience (CX), the death of branding has been greatly exaggerated. Great branding doesn’t compete with CX. Great branding is the foundation of CX. What goes into a great brand? It’s much more than a logo or identity. We live by that. In

There’s a new chemistry emerging in business management. Software offers ever more data. Integrations become ever more possible and ever more complex. Business success comes from coherence, and one tool is emerging – to rule them all. It's a Business-wide Management Tool (BMT). It may be closer at hand than you think – as close as choosing and mastering the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution (spoiler

BHAG is a term coined by great business minds, James Collins and Jerry Porras. Pronounced 'Bee-hag', it describes your deepest, darkest, and most delirious dream for your business. The whole idea of the BHAG is that it’s big, scary, and seemingly impossible. But the reality is it’s a tangible, motivating goal that proves you’re making your vision a reality and is on course with your purpose. Here are five