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Team culture plays a vital role in any business, which is why Hunt & Hawk’s co-founders Sonya Vanjicki and Ryan Devlin recently paid a visit to a couple of key team members in The Philippines. How do you build team culture when two of your team members are based in Manila?  If you’re Hunt & Hawk’s intrepid co-founders, you hop on a plane and fly to Manila to

Here’s a question for all you social media scrollers: are LinkedIn games the one thing the platform needs less than anything else? If you answered ‘yes,' we've got some bad news for you. That’s because, as reported by tech industry outlet TechCrunch, the Microsoft-owned platform for professionals plans to introduce gaming to keep users on the site for longer. Aiming to cash in on the current puzzle craze sweeping

Hunt & Hawk Senior Copywriter, Pete Burchell, delivers his tips for being a better working dad. I love being a dad. Well, most of the time. I also love being a copywriter. Again, most of the time! During the period that I’ve combined work and parenting, I’ve learned something that most dads and mums can relate to – it can be a proper juggle. On a good day, you’re nailing

Hunt & Hawk Marketing Strategy Lead, Jana Tann, joined our team after a period of maternity leave. Here, Jana shares her valuable insights for mums returning to work.   Three months into my post-maternity leave return (with my son, Beau, now 14 months), I've been hit by the unholy trifecta of day care germs – cue a delightful cold, conjunctivitis, and hand, foot, and mouth disease. You know, I

Do you ever hide a part of yourself away when you head into the workplace? It’s something many of us do every day. Tattoos in the workplace can be a divisive topic. I’ve been hiding a part of myself away for more than 20 years. Every weekday morning I get up, don a long-sleeve business shirt, and transform from the music-loving, football-watching obsessive I am after hours into

“If you don’t like what is being said… change the conversation.” If only we could all be as charismatic as Don Draper. Played with magnetic intensity by the impossibly-chiselled Jon Hamm, the suave creative director and main marketing man of AMC's award-winning Mad Men always knew just what to say at exactly the right moment. The show last aired eight years ago this month, but it remains incredible just

“You didn’t have much to say in that meeting?” Has a work colleague ever muttered this rhetorical question to you? If you take a ‘church mouse’ approach to meetings – office-based or online – such observations have the ability to dent your confidence and even self-worth. But selective speaking in group settings isn’t necessarily a negative trait. In fact, far from it. Here, we explore the question: is being quiet in

Hiring an offshore team for your business is a great way to boost efficiency and increase your bottom line. Essentially, it provides you with the opportunity to access a wider pool of highly talented professionals, usually at a lower cost. While some people are hesitant about hiring offshore, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated to us that working remotely isn't a barrier to productivity and achieving excellence. In fact, in

Sales automation – or rather the industry buzz phrase ‘sales force automation’ – can incite a certain fear and loathing among sales teams. Why? Because of misunderstandings and incorrect ideas attached to automation. We are here to myth bust and manage expectations about automation as well as detail the benefits it can provide for your business' sales processes. It's time to find out how to successfully implement sales automation