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Want a wearable that can monitor your heart rate and blood flow, assess how well you sleep, and detect movement at night?

Samsung sure hopes you do.

The South Korean firm looks set to unveil its latest headline-grabbing piece of tech at Samsung Galaxy Unpacked in Paris on July 10.

And it’s an unusual lawsuit filed by the company that has set the tech community abuzz.

As revealed by’s technology writer Lauren Chaplin, Samsung has pre-emptively filed a lawsuit against Finnish health tech company, Oura.

That’s because Oura – according to – has “previously used its patent portfolio to file suits against competitors based on ‘features common to virtually all smart rings’.” 

In other words, Samsung wants to muscle in on the wearables market and is determined not to let competitors stand in its way.

So What, Exactly, Will a Samsung Galaxy Ring Do?

It will focus on health monitoring, according to early media reports, and is expected to assess sleep patterns, register blood oxygen changes, feature heart rate alerts – and potentially even monitor sleep apnea symptoms.

Samsung Galaxy Ring is also expected to integrate seamlessly with Samsung Health in the same way a Galaxy Watch or smartphone does.

Will that be enough to have consumers reaching for their wallet instead of their Apple Watch?

Time will tell.

The eyes of the tech world will be on the City of Light on July 10 to see just what Samsung has in store for its latest piece of wearable tech.

The Samsung Galaxy Ring will monitor sleep quality.

The Samsung Galaxy Ring will monitor sleep quality. among other metrics. Image credit: Samsung

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