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Apple Takes a Bite Out of AI with 'Apple Intelligence’

Have you ever wanted to schedule a message on your phone? ‘Apple Intelligence’ will soon help you do so.

You’ll soon be able to schedule messages at least on an iPhone after Apple announced a raft of new changes at the Worldwide Developers Conference in California.

Scheduled messages, an enhanced home screen, and a more intuitive Siri were just some of the headline-grabbers from Apple’s annual tech gathering in Silicon Valley.

But it was the news of Apple’s much-anticipated AI-powered intelligence system Apple Intelligence that largely stole the show.

Having fallen behind competitors like Microsoft and Google in the generative AI race, plenty were predicting a full-scale makeover for Apple’s ageing digital assistant, Siri.

And that’s exactly what iPhone users will get with Apple partnering with OpenAI, makers of ChatGPT to create a new personalised AI system named Apple Intelligence designed to make it easier for users to navigate Apple devices.

It means that Siri will not only be better able to understand instructions, maintain conversational context, and perform actions inside apps once iOS 18 is rolled out over the coming months, but it also ensures Apple keeps pace with rivals in the AI space.

With Siri having first launched in October 2011, many felt it was due for a much-needed makeover.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook said the company’s partnership with OpenAI would drive the company’s devices “to new heights” when he opened the conference in Cupertino.

Among the other eye-catching changes set to take centre stage are customisable ‘Genmojis’ created with the aid of Apple Intelligence, a new and supposedly vastly-improved Photos app, increased privacy for Passwords, and a more organised Mail app.

But it’s the partnership with OpenAI that has generated most of the headlines.

Apple has entered the generative AI race through Apple Intelligence.

The question is: will it be enough to convince users to stick with the iPhone?

Major upgrades are coming to Apple's popular iPhone.

Major upgrades are coming to Apple’s popular iPhone. Image credit: Drew Coffman/Unsplash

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